Respect your Teaching Profession.

Deepika Rimal Thapa

Vice President

PABSON Central Committee

Founder Principal

Siddhartha Vidyapeeth Sec. Boarding School.

Being a teacher isn’t for everyone. Teaching does not come with a high salary, though it can come with high rewards. Many skills are required to become successful teacher in a classroom. If you are selecting education as your first or second career, there are Several Qualities that are helpful to possess.

1.Like and care your students, children, parents and your colleagues.

It is very important teachers must like children, parents and your colleagues. We know, no teacher sits at a desk in isolation all the day. The day mostly spent interacting with people. Spend lots of time with children of different ages. Good teachers can easily find the age level and spend the majority of the day with students liking and caring them. These activities help the stay a happy place.

2. Be Calm in any situation

Classrooms can go from stillness to chaos in a matter of seconds. It is important that teachers have a handle on their emotions. Children, parents, or faculty may yell at you or each other. Staying calm and responding calmly will help you stay professional and balanced.

3. Be Fair

There might be a student in your classroom that successfully becomes the “teachers pet.” However, every student in your class needs to be assessed by their performance skills, not on their personality. Establish rules and follow them to be considered a fair teacher. Students will find it hard to argue with a teacher who is always fair.

4. See the situations from different views.

The classroom may be a melting pot of the town you teach in. There might by many different religions, ethnic or socio-economic groups represented in your class. Students might also be diverse in their learning habits, speech or motor skills. The ability to see every student and their unique perspective is an important skill in teaching; every student should have the chance to understand the lesson.

5. Be confident in sharing your knowledge

Whether it is science or social,  math or music , teachers need to know their content area and be confident in sharing it. Teachers are leading student learning all day. It is easier to command attention when you know what you’re talking about. Some teachers experience nerves at first when appearing before a class. Never fear, you will get over it.

6. Manage your time effectively and with flexibility

The school day goes by fast. In order to organize lessons effectively, it’s important to manage time effectively. A meaningful lesson can be taught in any amount to time, but there’s more to the school day than one lesson. Being flexible with time and organizing lessons is key to achieving student performance goals.

These all are the qualities for the good teachers that are helpful to possess. Some tips for the newly appointed teachers are explaining below but it will be useful to all.

1. Introduce yourself with the parents

Before the Terminal Exam begins, prepare a letter to go home with your new students that introduces yourself to the parents. Make sure that whether you have taken permission with school management.

2. Learn the Curriculum

Ask for an overview of the curriculum to become familiar with and study your stand standards. Offer to help set up class and take part in the planning before the exam begins. This will give you a good feel of you being a teacher.

3. Response the School Schedule, Calendar of operation and Code of Conduct.

Go over the schedule of the school daily routine, assessments, unit test, terminal exam, school day etc with your cooperating teachers and colleagues. Follow the school calendar of operation and code of conduct as well. It’s important to outline clearly what duties and when you will be taking over.

4. Keen Observations

Set-up an observation schedule. Co operating your colleagues, teachers are responsible for evaluating students at certain benchmarks throughout the exam. Plan ahead so you’ll be prepared. When you do get observed, be sure to go over each evaluation with your cooperating teachers so you know how to improve.  If you are new in your school always be in touch with your cooperating teacher.

5. Get involved in…

Help grade papers, clean, copy, run errands, tie shoes, listen to conflict resolution, attend staff meetings and visit the teacher’s lounge. Getting first hand experience with these daily teacher tasks help set a clear picture of what it will be like to do them all by yourself. You must get involve in school day, sports day, extra curricular activities and co-curricular activities. Getting involvement in these activities are helpful to develop your personalities, too.

6. Take notes.

Observing your cooperating teachers and the way of teaching of your senior teachers is a great learning experience. Seldom in your career as a teacher will you get to watch someone teach on a regular basis. Learn from great lessons and jot down how you would implement the lesson in your unique way. Ask to copy ideas and start a folder that will hold all of these gems.

7. Take over with confidence.

When a newly appointed teacher takes over the class for the first time, it can be a nerve racking experience. Don’t worry- every time it gets easier! Find your childhood teacher whom you like most, imitate his\her way of teaching. Don’t feel shy to ask any questions with your seniors but  try not to include your cooperating teacher in the instruction or problem solving unless absolutely necessary. The students want to know that you’re in charge, so do your best to handle situations and manage the class as you’ve seen your cooperating teacher do.

8. Say thanks.

Being a cooperating teacher is not easy work. In addition to preparing for the students, the cooperating teacher also has to prepare for the newly appointed teacher. Be sure to point out things you enjoy along the semester- from the way the cooperating teacher interacts with students to how subjects are approached creatively. If you really want to remember your student teaching experience, keep a journal along the way. If you don’t, make sure at the conclusion of your student teaching that you take time to reflect on what you liked and didn’t like about the experience.  Don’t forget to say thanks.

For many of us, implementing the above steps of good teaching technique are the opportunity to give our career goals more focus and help gear our respectable “Teaching Profession”.

Finally, I would like to say, being with students all day helps the teachers of any age stay connected to current events and trends. Students are creative and energetic creatures that will keep you on your toes. You’ll find something to make you laugh every day. You can stay young if you are close to children.